Monday, March 31, 2008

Diocese of San Jose Joins with CCC on New Legislative Network

The Diocese of San Jose is partnering with the the California Catholic Conference (CCC) and dioceses across the state in the new Catholic Legislative Network. We are encouraging Catholics in the Diocese to sign-up and participate.

By becoming a member, you will learn how Catholic social teaching applies to the issues of the day, and join your voice with thousands of others across the state.

The Network will issue special alerts asking you to contact your representatives about a particularly important topic. You can add your own information to these important messages, or just use the email provided. You will also receive, Public Policy Insights. Published every week the California Legislature is in session, this brief email will give you a Catholic social teaching view at current public policy issues. It will also give you many links should you want to learn more about a particular topic.

We are excited about this new opportunity and encourage you to sign-up and be part of this new effort to bring our values to the public forum!

To register, visit the website at


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