National Migration Week - January 7-13, 2007
'Lord, when did we see you a stranger...and not minister to your needs?' He will answer them, 'Amen, I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.' (Mt. 25:44-45)
"Welcoming Christ in the Migrant" is the theme for National Migration Week which is observed in 2007 on January 7-13. It is both an invitation and a challenge to provide welcome for the migrants, immigrants, refugees, human traffiking victims, and other people on the move who come to our country seeking justice and peace.
This is a particularly timely reminder as we continue to grapple with the immigration debate in which the strangers in our midst have often become a source of fear and mistrust. Catholic Social Teaching and Scriptures call upon us all to welcome the stranger as we would Christ himself.
The US Conference of Catholic Bishops have produced some very colorful and beautiful resources for parishes and schools. These materials include prayer cards, posters, and a parish guide. These resources are available in Spanish and English online at