Welcome - End of Summer Edition
Welcome to the latest edition of "Faith Doing Justice." Summer is almost gone in spite of the wonderful weather. Children are off to to school and, for all of us, the always unfinished work of justice continues...
There have been some major disappointments over the past few months. Congress has failed to act on immigration reform legislation and, recently, the State budget has finally passed after a delay of 55 days with $703 million in cuts, many impacting social services to the poor.
In spite of the setbacks, we move forward.
The work in the diocese on immigration reform continues in collaboration with other groups in the county including our partnership with Catholic Charities and PACT.
We are also working with the California Catholic Conference and other dioceses in the state to develop new tools for advocacy and to increase the civic involvement of Catholics in the state. This will include the development of a statewide legislative network and educational outreach. Watch for announcements on this in the future.
I think you will see in the information below much to celebrate and many opportunities for involvement. As usual, let me know if I can be of help to you.
Many Blessings, Linda
In This Issue...
- Parish Social Ministry Formation Opportunities - Fall 2007
- 2007-2008 State Budget Signed
- Labor Day Statement 2007: A Time to Remember, A Time to Recommit
- Labor Day Speak-Out - 20 Parishes to Participate
- St. Catherine's Hosts Dinner for Darfur
- Blue Bag Project at Holy Spirit - BE THE CHANGE!
- Global Climate Change
- Immigrant Leadership Training
- Increase Affordable Housing in Silicon Valley - Catholic Charities
- Faith Formation Conference - September 21-22
- Respect Life Sunday - October 7
- World Mission Sunday - October 21
- Global Poverty Conference - October 27
- CCHD Collection - November 18
- Poverty USA - Make a Difference!
- Safely Surrendered Baby Law
- Santa Clara County 2-1-1
- "Our Journey to Native Lands" - Immersion Experience to Fort Apache
- Covenant House - Volunteer Opportunities
- New Website from USCCB on Catholic Social Teaching
- A Reflection on Corpus Christi - Legalism and the Immigration Debate